Perinatology Service at Nyle Hospital – Complete Care for Mother and Foetus
Perinatology Service
Perinatology or maternal-foetal medicine is a subspecialty of obstetrics that is associated with the care of high-risk, complicated pregnancies and the foetus. Apart from the 4 years of training in gynaecology and obstetrics, the perinatologist undertakes 2 to 3 years of education and training for diagnosing and treating the disorders of pregnant woman and foetus.
The services offered by the maternal-foetal specialists are numerous including managing multiple gestations, diabetes care, level II foetus ultrasound, genetic amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling and foetus surgery. A perinatologist cares a high-risk baby before birth, while a neonatologist cares after birth.
Perinatology department is dedicated to provide comprehensive care all through your pregnancy weeks and during delivery. The hospital offers wide range of services including:
All round pregnancy care such as prenatal, labour, childbirth and postpartum care
Prenatal screening and diagnosis
Counselling, respect and support for mothers
Ultrasound (both 3-D as well as 4-D)
Vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC)
Foetal therapy programmes
Radiology, including foetal MRI
Genetic testing
Foetal cardiology, such as foetal echocardiogram
Perinatology Services for High-Risk Pregnancies:
Nyle Hospital offers perinatology care before and during pregnancy to mothers regarded as high-risk due to existing medical problems, previous pregnancy complications and family medical history. Perinatologists collaborate with infertility experts, gynaecologist/obstetrician and others healthcare providers to keep track of mother’s and baby’s health throughout the gestational period. Moreover, a woman can contact perinatologist for pre- and post-conception counselling. Antepartum tests are carried out before labour to evaluate foetal health and development.
Medical Conditions Examined and Treated by Perinatologist:
Maternal conditions or disorders such as preeclampsia (toxemia) and hypertension (high blood pressure)
Collagen vascular disorder such as maternal lupus
Maternal metabolic diseases such as pregestational and gestational diabetes
Infectious diseases including hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, parvovirus, HIV and AIDS
Platelet alloimmunization (NAIT or FMAIT) for Rh (-ve) mothers carrying Rh (+ve) babies
Severe past obstetrical records such as previous preterm labour, preterm deliveries, premature membrane rupture, preterm cervical dilatation and repetitive abortion
Multiple gestation, i.e. carrying twins or multiple babies
Abnormal foetal growth
A suspected or known foetal anomaly
A condition of macrosomia (baby being too large)
Restricted foetal growth (baby being too small)
Maternal family history of Cystic fibrosis, Cardiac disease, Gastrointestinal disease and Renal disease
Prenatal Genetic Testing and Consultation:
The perinatologists collaborate with genetic counsellors for diagnosing and providing comprehensive care to women for the following:
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) blood test for identifying neural tube defect
Antenatal serum screening, i.e. quad screen/triple screen for detecting chromosomal abnormality inclduing Trisomy 13, Trisomy 21 [Down syndrome] or Trisomy 18
Invasive foetal testing or in utero therapeutic procedure(s), such as blood transfusion/sampling, foetal bladder stent placement, platelet infusion, amniocentesis (amnio) or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) for maternal age and/or other factors