Myomectomy – Surgical Removal of Fibroids at Nyle Hospital
Myomectomy refers to the surgical removal of fibroids (non-malignant tumour growth) from the uterus walls. This treatment is preferred by woman for getting rid of fibroids without removal of uterus. Abdominal incision is made for removing large sized fibroids, while hysteroscopy or laparoscopy is sufficient for removing small fibroids.
Purpose of Myomectomy
A myomectomy procedure is carried out in woman detected with uterine fibroids and associated with prominent symptoms. It serves as an alternative procedure for hysterectomy, wherein the whole uterus is removed from the body. The procedure tends to save the woman from fibroid-induced menstrual effects that cannot be controlled by medication.
Different Types of Surgical Procedure
Based on the location, quantity and size of the existing fibroids, the surgeon would opt for appropriate surgical approach to perform myomectomy, including:
In laparotomy or abdominal myomectomy, an open incision is made in the abdomen by the surgeon for accessing the uterus and removing the fibroids.
The robotic or laparoscopic myomectomy is a minimal invasive procedure, wherein the surgeon accesses the uterine fibroids and removes them by making many smaller abdominal incisions.
Some fibroids (submucosal fibroids) bulge considerably into the uterine cavity. To remove them, hysteroscopic myomectomy is suggested by the surgeon. The fibroids are accessed and removed by inserting instruments into the uterus through vaginal opening and cervix.
Risks Associated with Myomectomy Surgery
Despite the surgery performed by experienced surgeon, there are certain risks associated with various approaches. Moreover, removal of multiple fibroids seems to be complicated and highly risky. Some of the possible complications of myomectomy include:
More blood loss
Removal of bigger fibroids creates a wound on the uterus walls that extends to the inside of the uterus wall make it weak. If the woman gets pregnant after the surgery, C-section delivery must be performed rather than normal delivery.
Adverse reactions caused by anaesthesia
Internal scarring of the uterus leading to infertility
Post Surgical Recovery
While getting discharged from the hospital, the doctor would prescribe oral medications and explains about the dos and don’ts with respect to activities and diet. Certain activities including driving, climbing of stairs, lifting of heavy objects and vigorous exercising must be avoided until recovery. Use of tampons and sexual intercourse must also be avoided. Women may have slight vaginal staining or spotting for some days until 6 weeks based on the type of surgical procedure.
Abdominal myomectomy takes 4 – 6 weeks for recovery
Laparoscopic myomectomy takes 2 or 3 weeks for recovery
Hysteroscopic myomectomy takes 4 – 7 days for recovery
Outcomes of Myomectomy
Relief from menstrual symptom – After surgery, many women get relieved from the troubling signs and symptoms including heavy bleeding and severe pelvic pressure and pain.
Fertility improvement – Removal of submucosal fibroids can enhance fertility and increase the chance of pregnancy.