Labour & Delivery – Special Care at Nyle Hospital

Upon nearing of due date, the doctor would alert the mother to note even small signs of labour. One can notice the dropping or moving of baby towards the pelvis, which is generally termed as “lightening”. During the prenatal visit, the doctor can witness the changes happening in the cervix and convey that the body is preparing for delivery. Some mother may experience signs of labour (preterm labour) few weeks before the due date. Some may experience it after the due date too. Whatever be the time and date, immediate reporting to hospital is better. The following are some of the labour signs:

  • Contractions of the uterus leading to pain that becomes stronger and sharper at regular, shorter intervals of time.
  • Severe pain and cramping may occur in the lower back that does not subside.
  • The water surrounding the baby breaks and comes out through the vagina.
  • Discharge of bloody mucus (red- or brownish-tinged). It shows that the cervix is dilating (opening up). Sometimes, the labour could initiate immediately or may take few more days.
  • False Pain or Labour

    Most of the women, particularly on their first pregnancy, assume they are in labour, but actually not. This kind of pain is called false labour. Braxton Hicks contractions or “Practice contractions” commonly occur during the last weeks or even earlier. The uterus may tighten and scare the woman. The pain may be severe making it difficult for the woman to differentiate false and real pain. At any point, never hesitate to seek medical advice.

    Three Stages of Labour

    The 1st stage is the longest and initiates from the start of labour and ends until the opening of cervix fully. It may last for 12 to 19 h. At this stage, the doctor monitors the improvement by periodically checking the cervix and the foetus location and head position inside the birth canal. The baby may turn by itself or the doctor may rotate manually. At the end of the 1st stage, contractions tend to become stronger, longer and frequent. In case of slow progression of labour, drugs or other methods may be used for speeding up. An electronic foetal monitor may be used by the doctor to see if the blood flowing to the baby is normal. This stage ends when the cervix reaches 10 cm after dilation.

    The 2nd stage includes pushing the baby out and ending childbirth. It generally lasts for 20 min to 2 h. The doctor and nurse would assist mother in the pushing process. Birth happens in many positions including sitting, squatting, lying back or kneeling. When the baby’s head is clearly seen through the vaginal opening (crowning), the doctor would instruct the mother to push the baby forcefully. Sometimes, a small cut (episiotomy) is made by the doctor for enlarging the vaginal opening and facilitating easy passage of baby. After the delivery, the umbilical cord of the baby is cut.

    The 3rd stage is the shortest and involves the delivery of placenta. It lasts for 5 to 30 min with the onset of contraction for delivering the placenta. Thus, the process of labour and delivery is ended once the placenta is separated from the mother’s body.

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