Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – Complete Care at Nyle Hospital

Any woman who was not diagnosed with diabetes mellitus before, but subjected to high levels of blood glucose (sugar) during her pregnancy is stated to have gestational diabetes. It occurs when the body fails to utilize and produce the overall insulin required during pregnancy. Without sufficient insulin, the blood glucose cannot be dissolved and converted to energy. This leads to accumulation of more amount of glucose in the blood, and the condition is termed as hyperglycaemia. Some of the symptoms of hyperglycaemia include:

  • Dryness of mouth with increased feeling of thirst
  • Urinating quite often, particularly at night
  • Tiredness of the body
  • Recurrent infections, including thrush (yeast infection)
  • Blurred or poor vision
  • Gestational diabetes can be managed by the following key activities:

  • Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and following of medications as advised by the doctor
  • Following a healthy diet plan
  • Carrying out usual physical activities
  • Effective management of this condition will decrease the risk of complications prone to happen during pregnancy weeks and delivery. Risk Factors Associated with Gestational Diabetes

  • Women over 25 years of age
  • A history of diabetes encountered by other adults in the family
  • Birth of large baby in the previous delivery
  • Obesity
  • Generally, gestational diabetes can initially be controlled with usual physical activity and healthy eating. However, some woman may be recommended to take insulin injections until the completion of pregnancy weeks. Nearly 10 – 20% of mothers will be under insulin therapy; anyways, after the birth of the baby, insulin intake is no longer required because gestational diabetes most often disappear after delivery.

    Screening Test for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

    Gestational diabetes usually does not produce specific symptoms. Regular screening using glucose tolerance test is recommended for all pregnant woman between 24 and 28 weeks. If the doctor suspects that the mother is subjected to high-risk for gestational diabetes, screening may be done in the 1st trimester itself. A special screening test known as oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is carried out 6 weeks after childbirth for ensuring that the blood sugar levels have come back to normal values. However, a woman with gestational diabetes has an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes anytime in the future and therefore, must be screened for diabetes over a period of 2 – 3 years. During the course of care plan, specialists including perinatologist – a physician specialising in mother and foetus care, and neonatologist – a paediatrician specialising in the care for newborn may be involved in the managing procedure of gestational diabetes mellitus.

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