Eating Disorder Management at Nyle Hospital

One of the complicated conditions creating an influence on the physical and behavioural development is the eating disorder that is left ignored. Hence, parents of those children with eating disorder seek professional advice after taking several measures at home. It is crucial to utilize the help of reputed and experienced management service for recovery from clinically worse eating disorders. Although the process of recovery seems to be slow and long, the ultimate result may be valuable and contented.

Eating disorders usually develop during early and late adolescence stage or early adulthood. There are possibilities for the condition to begin in the childhood stage too. The most vulnerable groups are the female kids. The three most important types of children’s eating disorders include:

  • Anorexia - a condition wherein children deny foods rich in calories with a concern and fear of becoming obese.
  • Bulimia- a condition wherein kids terribly overeat and later flush out the food either by vomiting the consumed stuff or preventing excess weight gain by using laxatives
  • Binge eating - a condition wherein children may gorge hurriedly on all foods, but do not try to purge them.
  • Some treatments may suit certain eating disorders while others don’t. It is always better to opt for multidisciplinary approach in treating an eating disorder.


    Psychotherapy applies various techniques in managing and treating children with eating disorder. More emphasis is laid on thinking pattern, emotions, thoughts, behaviours, relationships and motivations. It involves techniques including cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive analytic therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy. Psychotherapy is usually handled by psychologist; however counsellors, psychotherapists and psychiatrists can participate in overcoming this disorder.

    Family Approach

    Family approach includes the support of family members and friend network to treat children with eating disorder. Apart from managing eating disorder, this approach educates the entire family regarding the care and love that must be shown on such children.

    Self-help Approach

    Self-help approach directly connects with the affected person and involves the application of cognitive behavioural therapy. Self-help approach is made more effective by combining it with other approaches suggested by clinicians or professionals. Children who depend only on self-help approach and avoid other medical therapies cannot recover completely and may lead to recurrence.

    Nutritional Management

    This approach of nutritional management is handled by a nutritionists or dieticians. Sometimes, they are referred by a paediatrician or family physician. Through this approach, parents can be satisfied that their

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