Caesarean Delivery – Mom and Baby Care at Nyle Hospital
When any problem arises in delivering a baby through vagina, a caesarean or C-section delivery
is performed for saving the life of the baby. The baby is taken out from the womb by making a surgical
incision in the abdomen and uterus of the mother. The reasons for opting caesarean delivery may vary
because delivery and childbirth is never the same for all women.
Reasons for Having a Planned Caesarean
If the woman had certain complications in the previous pregnancy or delivery, or has problems in
existing pregnancy, the doctor may suggest for a planned caesarean. The possible reasons for a planned caesarean include:
If the mother had previous caesarean section delivery associated with complications during the surgery
If the position of the baby is declared breech positioning, and external cephalic version (ECV) wasn’t advisable or successful
If the mother carries twins or more foetuses, and the 1st baby’s head is not in the right position
If the baby is positioned transverse (sideways), or changes the position without stability
If the mother is encountered with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia
If there seems to be a condition of placenta praevia (low-lying placenta)
If the mother has a medical history of heart disease
If the mother had a traumatic vaginal delivery previously
If the woman had genital herpes during her 3rd trimester
If the woman has HIV without retroviral therapy or subjected to high viral load, or detected with hepatitis C
Sometimes, one condition may pave way for the occurrence of other conditions which force a situation for planned
C-section. For instance, if the mother has low-lying placenta, it may lead to improper positioning of the baby
such as transverse or breech position.
Reasons for Having an Unplanned or Emergency Caesarean
During certain situation, the healthcare provider will decide to carry out C-section delivery
owing to the safety of the baby and mom; hence it is stated as emergency caesarean operation.
It is chosen by the doctor for the following reasons:
If the labour progresses very slowly and continues for long time without letting the cervix
to open wide for easy passing of baby through the birth canal
If the baby is subjected to distress during labour
If there was a condition of placental abruption (placenta getting separated) in the late pregnancy
weeks or during the onset of labour putting the baby in danger
If the attempt of using instruments including ventouse or forceps has failed
Scarring of uterus (uterine rupture) due to previous caesarean
Prolapse of the umbilical cord (cord slipping through the cervix before the baby). Although this
condition happens rarely, it endangers the life of baby by cutting off the oxygen supply to the baby.