Adult Vaccinations Provided at Nyle Hospital

The need for vaccination is never restricted with age. Some of the adults derive at a misconception that childhood vaccines can protect them throughout the lifespan. However, the requirements for adult immunizations are determined by several factors including lifestyle, age, high-risk conditions, residing locality, travel locations and childhood immunizations. Some of the reasons why adults must look for vaccination service include:

  • Adults were not vaccinated during their childhood
  • Non-availability of certain vaccines during the period when the adults were children
  • Fading of immunity over a period of time
  • More susceptibility to dreadful diseases such as pneumococcus and flu upon progression of age
  • Subjected to high-risk factors including genetic disorders, diabetic complications, etc.
  • General Vaccinations Administered to Adults (19 and above years)

    Hepatitis B (HepB) - This vaccine is given when the adult is subjected to high-risk of hepatitis B virus infection. Usually, it is administered in 3 doses with a gap of nearly 6 months for each dose.

    Hepatitis A (HepA) – This vaccine is given when the adult is subjected to high-risk of hepatitis A virus infection. Usually it is administered in 2 doses, wherein the 2nd dose is given after a gap of nearly 6 – 18 months from the date of 1st dose.

    Haemophilus Influenza type b – Single dose of this vaccine is administered to adults at high-risk of serious Hib disease like those who:

  • have functional or anatomic asplenia,
  • are subjected to elective splenectomy, or
  • are HSCT (hematopoietic stem cell transplant) recipients
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) – This vaccine can be given between 11 – 26 years of age. Adults who missed the vaccine before 19 years can get vaccinated at or before the age of 26. It is administered in 3 doses of HPV2, HPV4 or HPV9 over a period of 6 months gap.

    Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – Single or 2 dose of MMR is given, if the adult was born in 1957 or later.

    Meningococcal (MCV4, MPSV4) – This vaccine is administered if the adult has any kind of health conditions, or is a college student of age between 19 and 21 and residing in hostel, or has not be vaccinated before the age of 16.

    Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis) (Tdap, Td) – This vaccine is given to adults who never had a dose of Tdap during adolescence. Women need it during each pregnancy and further Td booster dose is needed for every 10 years.

    Pneumococcal (PPSV23 - polysaccharide vaccine; PCV13 - conjugate vaccine) – Two types of pneumococcal vaccines are administered to adults who are 65 years or older. PCV13 is given first and after 6 to 12 months, another dose of PPSV23 is given. If the adult seems to be a chain smoker or subjected to health condition including asthma or lung, heart or kidney disease, these vaccines are necessary before the age of 65.

    Varicella (Chickenpox) – If the adult had never received chickenpox vaccine before or just vaccinated with only single dose, this vaccine may be administered.

    Zoster (shingles) - If the adults are 60 years or older, single time dose can be given to them.

    Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) - Adults with some sort of health conditions may need Hib. However, it will be decided by the physician based on the risk factor.

    If the adult is travelling abroad, the healthcare provider may decide upon the necessary vaccines and medications that can protect against illness and infection during the travel.

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